Thursday, May 26, 2011

belly dancer by diane Wakoski

This poem is mainly about women's liberation. Diane Wakoski uses the art of belly dancing to show how despite that fact that we now live in a time where women are given the same rights and values as the men of this world there is still a restriction on sexuality and desire. Wakoski is basically writing towards the women who are afraid to go beyond themselves and want more than what they are given. It is actually comical how it is a major downplay towards men, as it seems as though they may be a key part of the reason as to why these liberated women are so un liberated. It is quite the oxymoron in this time and age. Wakoski calls the women in this poem "old-young" because it is their prim, proper and close minded nature towards sexuality that makes them seem as if they are living in body of the young while their mind reminds trapped in the old fashion ways of the elderly. For these women to whom Wakoski is referring to she is saying that they are battling against their own sexuality because the men to whom they are married to or trapped to cannot begin to satisfy this sexuality even if it was to be released. Oddly enough even the sensual curve and movement of a snake is enough to cause fright and awkward stares while the belly dancer continues to show the woman that there is nothing wrong with sex or the exotic nature of a woman, all the while scorning the men who try and show otherwise.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

who understand me but me by jimmy santiago baca

This poem is the epitome of self acceptance and self beauty. Jimmy Baca in each line expresses the fact that despite the flaws to which he may have and the imperfections that are deemed ugly by society he is still beautiful to himself. No matter what obstacles and roadblocks that are thrown his way he accepts himself beyond what others think. Their ugly is his beauty. It is by seeing this within himself that he finds a greater understanding and deeper love for everything that is him. It is like saying he is his own greatest contradiction because a lot of what he feels others would never get thus the line "who understands me when I say this is beautiful, who understand me when I say I have found other freedoms", being free of trying to be what society or everyone else deems as "perfect" is a freedom unfound. So he takes his stubborn nature, childish antics, failures, fears etc and doesn't dwell in the negative of it all but accepts it and above all values it. Some people are at times so afraid to go outside the norm and become something more than what they are told to be that they miss out on everything else that they could possibly become. At times looking outside the box, coloring outside the lines, taking the road most untraveled is the hardest yet most rewarding path of them all. Jimmy Baca says that I am me and I could give two craps less what you may think, but regardless of what obstacles you throw at me not only will i live with them but I will thrive upon it.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Incident by Amira Baraka

Now reading this poem it felt very separated. Now what I mean is that in the beginning of the poem it didn’t express who the killer was and what was the reason for his action. In a way the first stanza was very dry with details while comparing to the second stanza it said “the speeding bullet tore his face and blood sprayed fine over the killer and the grey light” while comparing it to the first stanza all it says is shadow wood, down, shot ,dying dead, to full halt.” It seemed so unclear. To me as you continue to read it expresses the pain and feeling which death brings to people in which in the poem it says, “his spirit sucks up the light”.  To me this poem seems to be a puzzle with the information in which it is distributed. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

the golden gat that day by lawrence ferlinghetti

to me this poem seemed to have a general meaning at the beginning but it became to change as the poem went on. the poem seemed to give a lot of  things which were in the setting. for example the meadow seemed to be the start of which was to be a new beginning. but the story involved a women and man who's relationship took a turn for the worse. i say that because the flame that seemed to be their in beginning wasn't their any more. but for some reason seemed to have a deeper meaning than that.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Saint Francis and the Sow by galway Kinnell

Now what I take from Saint francis and the Sow is inner expression which is lock up and wants to be express. now what makes me feel this way is the stanza in which he says " even for those things that don't flower, for everything flower, from within, or self blessing. But then it compares saint francis as a blessing in a way which i guess its a good thing to be compared to. so basically it seems to me this poem is about releasing that inner blessing.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

harlem by Langston Hughes

This was such a short poem but to me had so much meaning. To me what i think this poet was trying to express was the opportunity which life offers you. many times people would either go after what they see or let it dry up like water in the desert. so i guess when its regarding life it best to always take opportunity's when they first touch your hand.

Harlem by Langston Hughes

This was such a short poem but to me had so much meaning. To me what i think this poet was trying to express was the opportunity which life offers you. many times people would either go after what they see or let it dry up like water in the desert. so i guess when its regarding life it best to always take opportunity's when they first touch your hand.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Sad Self by Allen Ginsberg

  I know exactly what Allen Ginsberg is feeling like in this poem. Sometimes it feels like the world doesn't have anything good to tell you or look forwards to. He explained "I go up on top of the RCA building and gaze at world" he seemed to find closure being away from everyone else and just think about everything that has happen in his life and just wonders if he is walking the right path towards a better future. I could relate to this so much because I think about every thing I have done in life from my past and wonder if it was the right thing to do. He seems to also  have a relation to almost all. But for the most part this is also one of my favorite poems i could really relate to this as well.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This poem seemed to describe the environment of which comes in the month of February. For example it says, " Now children stiffened by winter dressed, somehow like old men". Now what I basically take from this is the comparison that older men dress with a lot of more clothing due to the fact they get colder than younger men. Another part of the poem I like is when he said said "spring is brief by five o' clock the chill of sundown, darkness, the blue tv's flashing like storms". To me this was such a good visual to picture in my brain. this quote related so much to february its like almost impossible to not see this actually happening.This poem also made me very excited to see the nice weather because this winter I most say was one of the hardest that we have ever been through in a long time. but this poem to me express exactly what the month of february is about.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sex Without love by sharon Olds

"wow" I felt this poem so much. It was so deep as if I could feel every emotion she express through out the  poem. one of my favorite lines is when she said "Beautiful as dancers gliding over each other like ice skaters over the ice". This was very beautiful because comparing sex as being some thing that was soft  but yet done in a soft motion was dead on point. But what i found funny was when he compared the faces to red wine. which showed how passionate they were. so when you think about it how could their be sex without love. To me it seems to go hand and hand. 


