Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sex Without love by sharon Olds

"wow" I felt this poem so much. It was so deep as if I could feel every emotion she express through out the  poem. one of my favorite lines is when she said "Beautiful as dancers gliding over each other like ice skaters over the ice". This was very beautiful because comparing sex as being some thing that was soft  but yet done in a soft motion was dead on point. But what i found funny was when he compared the faces to red wine. which showed how passionate they were. so when you think about it how could their be sex without love. To me it seems to go hand and hand. 


  1. I get some of what you're saying but Olds is saying that people have sex for the pleasure wheter or not they're in love. The line "faces" by that she doesnt mean passion as in love rather the heat the physicalness of the action not the feeling of love. She compares it to all different sports, bascially saying how it's become just another physical activity. She's showing how in some cases sex has lost it's meaning. The meaning being that when two peole are truly in love and comfortable with each other they open themselves up and share something special. But that's not the case with some people today.

  2. The image you quote should begin to answer your own question--the speaker doesn't mention "passion"; the image is purely physical, animal--and in fact, a redness associated with death (dead meat)--so far from living love/ the study materials on olds, which will set you on the right course

  3. it's true its hard to believe sex could go without love but that is infact the case though its compared to a beautiful dance did the author specifically mention at this point they were in love? The act of making love is in fact beautiful but the reasons behind it arent always so. You could have passion without love and there are many different reasons would have sex without love. Instant gratification some type of self therapy or just to feel better about themselves for a few moments.

  4. I agree that sex and love should go hand in hand but the poet also agrees with you. She's pointing out that sex is just sex to these people. All it is nothing more than a pastime or a hobby without the meaning it should. She feels bad for those who don't have love while they're having sex.
