Thursday, April 28, 2011

Saint Francis and the Sow by galway Kinnell

Now what I take from Saint francis and the Sow is inner expression which is lock up and wants to be express. now what makes me feel this way is the stanza in which he says " even for those things that don't flower, for everything flower, from within, or self blessing. But then it compares saint francis as a blessing in a way which i guess its a good thing to be compared to. so basically it seems to me this poem is about releasing that inner blessing.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

harlem by Langston Hughes

This was such a short poem but to me had so much meaning. To me what i think this poet was trying to express was the opportunity which life offers you. many times people would either go after what they see or let it dry up like water in the desert. so i guess when its regarding life it best to always take opportunity's when they first touch your hand.

Harlem by Langston Hughes

This was such a short poem but to me had so much meaning. To me what i think this poet was trying to express was the opportunity which life offers you. many times people would either go after what they see or let it dry up like water in the desert. so i guess when its regarding life it best to always take opportunity's when they first touch your hand.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Sad Self by Allen Ginsberg

  I know exactly what Allen Ginsberg is feeling like in this poem. Sometimes it feels like the world doesn't have anything good to tell you or look forwards to. He explained "I go up on top of the RCA building and gaze at world" he seemed to find closure being away from everyone else and just think about everything that has happen in his life and just wonders if he is walking the right path towards a better future. I could relate to this so much because I think about every thing I have done in life from my past and wonder if it was the right thing to do. He seems to also  have a relation to almost all. But for the most part this is also one of my favorite poems i could really relate to this as well.